Climate Action Roadmap Delivery

Carbon Emission Reductions – Leading by Example

As custodians of large campuses and estates IUA universities are committed to delivering on their carbon emission reduction targets and in taking a leadership role in driving Climate Action.  Collectively IUA universities manage over 750 buildings across 1,000 hectares of campus estates producing 102 ktCO2 of carbon emissions in 2022.  This campus concentration provides a unique opportunity to deliver real impact in terms of carbon emission reductions and a detailed analysis undertaken by sector has identified the opportunity to reduce GHG emissions by c. 71 ktCO2, a reduction of 61%, by 2030.

Delivering on this opportunity however will require multi-annual partnership and funding from government over a 5-year period.

Click the button above to read IUA’s ‘Climate Action Roadmap Delivery – Delivering on our 2030 Carbon Emission Targets’ Report.