Budget 2025 - Multi-annual higher education funding package welcomed by universities

01.10.24: The IUA has welcomed the package of funding measures for higher education announced in today’s Budget. The provision of additional core funding, rising from €50m in 2025 to €150m extra by 2029 under the Funding the Future process, will enable the universities to invest in the necessary staff and supports to underpin the continued delivery of high-quality graduates for the workforce. However, we note that it would seem that the full €307m funding gap identified by government in 2022 will not have been fully closed. It is important that future budgets address this and that the government commitment is fully delivered.

The provision of additional funding from the National Training Fund, which we have long campaigned for, will also enable necessary capital investment in extra healthcare student places and in research infrastructure and PhD training. We look forward to engaging with DFHERIS and the HEA to get these funds invested as soon as possible.

The allocation of €102m in 2025 to cover government-agreed national pay awards is very welcome, as is the decision to increase this incrementally by €10m per annum over subsequent years. However, it is critical that national pay agreements are fully funded by government. We, therefore, urge government to ensure that the €72m shortfall in pay budgets in higher education for the current year is fully provided for in the Supplementary Budget which we understand will be brought forward shortly. This, and the full funding of all future government-controlled pay awards, is essential in order to ensure that the core funding increase is not dissipated.
