IUA Statement in response to the Call for Proposals for the Senior Academic Leadership Initiative (SALI)

The IUA welcomes the announcement of the Call for Proposals for the Senior Academic Leadership Initiative (SALI). Our member universities are enthusiastic about engaging in this positive initiative to address the gender imbalance at senior academic level.

The SALI programme adds further to the efforts of universities to tackle gender imbalance which includes:

All seven universities have received Athena Swan Bronze institutional awards and numerous departmental bronze awards. Securing Athena SWAN accreditation, the internationally recognised quality mark for gender equality, is an important enabling process for universities to progress the equality agenda.

The SAGE Charter of Principles for Gender Equality was formally endorsed by the Irish Universities Association. Designed to promote stronger action on gender equality and research, the SAGE Charter supports structural, cultural and political change to eradicate sexism, bias and other forms of discrimination in research and higher education.

The IUA has recently set up a high-level group for Vice Presidents for Equality and Diversity and Inclusion which will coordinate the work of universities in this priority area. Rapid progress has also been made on gender balancing in the executive management teams and Governing Authorities.


The official announcement from the Department of Education and Skills can be found here.

For more information contact:

Lia O’Sullivan, Head of Communications, IUA  lia.osullivan@iua.ie  085 7141414