Enhancement of learning and teaching has become a core priority for higher education. Many institutions are discussing innovative teaching methods on how to enhance curricula and improve students’ learning experience while several European countries have launched national initiatives in that field.
The EU-funded EFFECT project support universities in these processes by facilitating discussions and cooperation at European level. It is currently developing a set of shared principles for institutional strategies for learning and teaching which addresses issues such as leadership support, collaboration with external stakeholders, learner-centred approaches and the nexus between education and research. The principles are designed as non-prescriptive and are based on a diversity of purpose, content and methods.
A focus group meeting organised at the Irish Universities Association on 27 and 28 June 2017, brought together EFFECT partners and institutional leadership for a first review of the draft principles. Once finalised, the Principles for Learning and Teaching, along with an institutional strategy support package, will be made available to all institutions. A first presentation and discussion of the principles is planned to take place at the 1st European Learning and Teaching Forum, 28-29 September in Paris (registrations are already open).
The European Forum for Enhanced Collaboration in Teaching (EFFECT) project is funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme. Under EFFECT, EUA and its 11 partners from different European countries are working on an approach to support pedagogical staff enhancement and institutional strategies in higher education.