25.06.20: The Irish Universities Association (IUA) joins with the National University of Ireland (NUI), the Technological Higher Education Association (THEA), and the Technological University Dublin on an agreed common approach in relation to students who have studied Leaving Certificate 2020 subjects outside school and who have not been able to obtain calculated grades in those subjects.
The Universities, Institutes of Technology, TU Dublin and other higher education institutions have been aware for some time of the position of students who have studied a subject or subjects in the Leaving Certificate in 2020 outside school with a view to satisfying matriculation or minimum entry requirements. There have been discussions on the issue with the Department of Education and Skills, the State Examinations Commission and the Calculated Grades Executive Office.
While the calculated grades process is still underway, institutions across the higher education sector wish to ensure that students are fully informed of their position in terms of meeting matriculation / minimum entry requirements in advance of the July 1 2020 CAO change of mind deadline. A common approach has been agreed as follows:
In the extraordinary circumstances of 2020, students who have applied for a calculated grade in a subject or subjects in the Leaving Certificate 2020, with a view to satisfying matriculation/minimum entry requirements and for whom the Calculated Grades Executive Office has been unable to award a Calculated Grade in the subject(s), will be granted an exemption in the subject(s) solely for matriculation/minimum entry purposes. (These exemptions will be granted automatically: it will not be necessary for students to apply individually.)
The subject(s) will count as a subject(s) for matriculation but will not attract points. The exemption(s) cannot be used to satisfy additional programme requirements over and above the matriculation/minimum entry requirements.
For further information please contact the Admissions Office of the University, Institute of Technology, TU or other HEI to which you have applied for admission.
This statement is being issued today to clarify the position for students in advance of the CAO change of mind deadline on 1 July 2020. The timing of the implementation of this decision will be dependent on the provision of the necessary data to CAO by the CGEO.
For media queries contact:
Lia O’Sullivan, Head of Communications, IUA, +353 85 7141414 lia.osullivan@iua.ie
Róisín O’Connell, Head of Communications, THEA, + 353 87 9193333 roisin.oconnell@thea.ie
Melda Slattery, Head of Public Affairs, TU Dublin, +353 1 4027138 melda.slattery@tudublin.ie
Dr Attracta Halpin, Registrar, NUI, +353 1 4392424 registrar@nui.ie