
What are Micro-Credentials?

Micro-credentials are small, accredited courses designed to meet the demands of learners, enterprise and organisations, created by Irish Universities Association (IUA) partner universities in consultation with enterprise. Micro-credentials provide learning opportunities which offer a highly flexible, bite sized and accessible way of upskilling and reskilling.

Our micro-credentials are research-led and quality assured by leading Irish universities. Learners may choose to undertake an individual micro-credential or continue on studying, advancing their skills and knowledge over time.

What micro-credentials courses are available?

Each of our seven partner universities are developing micro-credentials on a range of different topics. Visit the new MicroCreds platform for more information on the micro-credentials on offer.

What are the benefits of micro-credentials?

For Individuals
  • Flexible courses that fit around work and personal commitments
  • Accredited by leading universities
  • Quality assured courses
  • Boost career progression or a career change
  • Tailor to your personal interests and career development goals
  • Stay ahead of emerging trends and industry advancements
For Enterprise
  • Close skills gaps and improve enterprise productivity
  • Meet emerging enterprise needs and trends
  • Aid career development and progression for employees
  • Expand existing training/professional development programmes
  • Enhance staff retention and improve recruitment
  • Address pandemic related job impacts or other socio-economic shifts

Where can I find out more information about the MicroCreds Project Partners?

For more detailed information about the seven of partner universities please visit the websites below.

Dublin City University

Learn more >

Maynooth University

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Trinity College Dublin

Trinity College Dublin

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University College Cork

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University College Dublin

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University of Galway

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University of Limerick

Learn more >

What is the MicroCreds National Project?

MicroCreds is the national project, led by IUA and delivered in partnership with each of the seven founding IUA universities. Its vision is to empower lifelong learning in Ireland by re-imagining the learner’s relationship with education through agile, accessible and bite-sized courses: micro-credentials. MicroCreds Project Overview

Meet the MicroCreds Team

If you would like to learn more about MicroCreds, please contact the Team at IUA or the designated Project Lead in each of our IUA project partner universities. Meet the MicroCreds Team and our Enterprise Advisory Group here.

Connect with the MicroCreds Project:

Twitter: @MicroCreds   LinkedIn: @MicroCreds   #MicroCredsIE

Project Funding

This project is funded under Human Capital Initiative Pillar 3, Innovation and Agility