Research Lead - Dr Katriona O'Sullivan, Digital Skills Lecturer, Assisting Living and Learning Institute, Maynooth University
Dr Katriona O’Sullivan, from the Assisting Living and Learning Institute, Maynooth University is leading an SFI Discover funded project, the STEM Passport for Inclusion. It aims to reduce inequalities and ensure access to STEM capital is available to all. The project uses a system thinking approach and works with partners from Munster Technological University, Microsoft Ireland DreamSpace education team and the RDI HUB in Munster to ensure that underserved girls from across Ireland are STEM capable.
Research shows that working class girls are being deprived of opportunities to build STEM skills; with the future of work changing, and growing dependence on digital capabilities, these young women are at real risk of poverty. Furthermore, adding diverse voices to the world of work results in greater innovation, productivity, creativity & new perspectives to old/outdated STEM idea . The STEM passport works with1000 underserved girls across Munster and Leinster offering them an innovative skills programme and meaningful STEM mentoring programme with women currently working in STEM. The project aims to impact the future of young working-class women across Ireland; ensuring that their voices are included in the technological revolution.