Postdoctoral Fellowships Promotional Event, hosted by Dr Yvonne Halpin, MSCA National Contact Point.
When: Friday, 22 March 2024, 12:15 – 13:30 | Where: Online via Zoom
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The Irish Marie Skłodowska-Curie Office is hosting a webinar on the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships call 2024. These Fellowships support researchers’ careers with a focus on training and skills development through excellent research and innovation projects. Researchers holding a PhD can carry out their research activities, acquire new skills and develop their careers abroad, whilst developing competences in non-academic sectors and working within interdisciplinary teams. The event is open to potential applicant researchers and organisations based in Ireland from across sectors and disciplines, including, but not limited to, higher education institutions, funding agencies, industry, and civil society organisations. MC of the webinar will be Dr Yvonne Halpin, MSCA National Delegate and Head of the Irish Marie Skłodowska-Curie Office
Keynote Speakers:

Dr Mina Hosseini,
MSCA Fellow, University College Dublin
Mina Hosseini is an MSCA postdoctoral fellow at UCD Sutherland School of Law, with a PhD in Competition Law from Beheshti University, Iran. Her research covers Competition Law and Policy, Health Law, and Pharmaceutical Law, notably the MSCA COMPHACRISIS project under Professor Imelda Maher, examining EU competition law enforcement in the pharmaceutical sector before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Formerly, she lectured at Tehran University of Science and Culture and managed the USC Journal of Modern Technologies Law. In 2019, she received the National Student Book of the Year Award in Law for her monograph on Comparative Competition Law.
View presentation here: My MSCA Fellowship Journey

Professor Michel Destrade,
MSCA Supervisor, University of Galway
Professor Michel Destrade is the Chair of Applied Mathematics at the University of Galway. He works on problems of biomechanics and elastic waves. He was a Marie Curie Fellow twice in his career, once as a PhD student and once as a senior fellow. In the past eight years, he has supported 11 applications to the postdoctoral scheme, six of which were successful.
View presentation here: The Supervisor’s Perspective

Dr Francesco Paolo Mancini,
Research Programme Manager, MSCA Unit, EU Research Executive Agency
Dr. Francesco Paolo Mancini is a Research Programme Manager at the European Research Executive Agency. Francesco Paolo is part of the Coordination team in charge of the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships programme. Previously, he served as Project Officer at Clean Sky Joint Undertaking. Francesco Paolo holds a D.Phil in Theoretical Physics from the University of Oxford. He has 10 years’ experience as a researcher and over 10 years’ experience in research management in EU institutions.
View presentation here: MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships