EU Students

Opportunities for EU Students in Irish Universities

All 7 IUA universities are ranked in the top 3% of global institutions and offer world-class educational experiences. With dedicated, highly qualified staff and state-of-the-art facilities ranging from dynamic lecture halls to advanced laboratories and well-resourced libraries the Irish university experience is exceptional. The vibrant campuses and welcoming atmosphere attract over 35,000 international students annually from more than 120 countries reflecting the attractiveness of the Irish university experience and extensive range of courses available to students from across the globe.

Due to such a positive undergraduate experience, many international students choose to return for postgraduate studies, including Masters and PhDs, or continue their research. Graduates can find excellent job opportunities in multinational companies like Google, Facebook, Intel, HP, and Boston Scientific, all of which have operations in Ireland. These companies offer internships and graduate opportunities for Irish university graduates.

Dedicated careers officers in each of our member universities are available to help guide students on their post-graduation path and navigate recruitment processes, job fairs, and career development.

Application Process:

Undergraduate programmes: Apply through the Central Applications Office, CAO.

Postgraduate programmes (Masters/PhDs): Apply directly to the university of your choice.

For more details, visit Education in Ireland or contact the relevant university for specific queries.

EU Students Applying for undergraduate courses in Ireland

The Central Applications Office (CAO) centrally processes applications for entry to the first year of undergraduate courses in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the Republic of Ireland. It also issues offers to applicants, when instructed to do so by HEIs, and records acceptances.

The CAO processes, on behalf of the HEIs, school-leavers presenting qualifications from other EU/EFTA countries as well as applications from Irish school-leavers presenting Leaving Certificate qualifications.

Details regarding the points system used by HEIs to score applicants, the minimum entry requirements to each university and to particular courses, and agreed entry requirements for applicants who present qualifications other than the Irish Leaving Certificate (e.g. other EU/EFTA school-leaver qualifications) can be found in the CAO Handbook on the CAO website.

Practical Information

Medical entry for EU Students

In Irish universities, undergraduate entry to medicine for school-leavers is based on both:

  1. achieving a minimum of 480 points and meeting the minimum entry requirements for the course in the same sitting of the Irish Leaving Certificate (or non-Irish school-leaver qualification equivalent); and
  2. completing the required admissions test, the HPAT-Ireland (Health Professional Admission Test), in the year of entry to the medicine course.

There is also a graduate entry route to medicine for candidates who hold, or expect to hold by the end of the relevant academic year, a 2:1 (second class honours, grade one, or equivalent) award in their first honours bachelor degree (Level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications) or equivalent and who sit the required admissions test, the GAMSAT (Graduate Medical School Admissions Test).

For further details regarding both undergraduate and graduate entry routes to medicine, please consult the CAO website.

How to apply

A candidate will qualify for EU status where they meet the following criteria:

  • They are a national of an EU member state and are residing in an EU member state for three of the five years prior to the commencement of the programme.
  • They are a national of an EU member state and have received all their post-primary education within an EU member state.
  • They have been in full-time employment in an EU member state for three of the last five years prior to the commencement of the first year of the course. This applies to candidates over the age of 23.
  • They have been ordinarily resident in an EU member state for three of the five years prior to the commencement of the programme and their parents have been in full – time employment in an EU member state for three of the five years prior to the commencement of the programme. This applies to candidates under the age of 23.
Children of Emigrants

Children of emigrants can be assessed as EU applicants if they can provide documentary evidence of having completed 5+ years of primary and/or secondary education in the EU/EEA/Swiss Confederation.

EU or Non-EU/International Fee Rates
  • Applicants are responsible for declaring their EU or Non-EU status at the time of application.
  • If you are claiming EU status, you must provide the necessary documentary evidence to support your claim.
  • Failure to submit the correct documentation may result in your status being reclassified as Non-EU, making you liable for Non-EU tuition fees.

Organising accommodation before you depart for Ireland is essential. Some universities may pre-book accommodation for you, or you might need to organise this yourself.

Universities will strive to provide accommodation for international students for at least their first year, though this cannot be guaranteed. Upon acceptance to a course, you should receive an accommodation pack along with contact details for the university’s accommodation office. Dedicated staff are available to assist you in finding suitable housing. Universities strongly recommend that students make use of this resource, as accommodation officers may be able to offer the expertise, information, and contacts to help you secure affordable, well-located student accommodation efficiently

When researching your accommodation choices, you may wish to consider:

  • How close is it to the institution?
  • What public transport links are there?
  • How close is it to shops and services?
  • How big is your room?
  • How many people are sharing your bathroom/kitchen?
  • How much is the rent and bills?

If on-campus housing is not available or you prefer to live off-campus, we recommend consulting the Accommodation Guide provided by the Irish Council for International Students (ICOS). This guide offers valuable advice for renting off-campus and resources to help you find suitable housing and prevention of accommodation scams.

There is huge demand for student accommodation, and it is now more challenging than ever to find somewhere to live. It is important to be aware that every year there are reports of scams on students seeking accommodation – e.g. taking payment online for accommodation that is not for rent.

Cost of Living for Students in Ireland

The cost of living for students in Ireland can vary based on several factors, including location, choice of accommodation, transport options, and personal lifestyle.

Check out the following ICOS guide on typical living expenses, along with practical tips to help you manage your budget and keep costs down.

Each University has a section dedicated to cost of living and you can also visit Budget Planner – CCPC for tips about money and budgeting in Ireland.

For more information, view the profiles of the universities or contact the university global offices directly.

Each university has a dedicated international office:

Dublin City University

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Maynooth University

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Trinity College Dublin

Trinity College Dublin

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University College Cork

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University College Dublin

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University of Galway

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A photo of the outside of the University of Limerick, Library on a sunny day.

University of Limerick

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International Student Experience...

IUA’s Head of International Affairs is Jennifer Cleary.