Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Our member universities are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion for all staff and students in every area of their work. This commitment requires continued evaluation of our organisational policies, procedures and culture and also how these relate to the student experience, and professional fulfilment of our university staff. We believe that a diverse and inclusive organisational environment – one in which everyone feels valued, and can learn or work to their full potential – creates a more innovative, rewarding, and productive higher education environment.

Vice Presidents of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group

As Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) has grown as an important agenda item across the university system, so too IUA structures have evolved to support this critical activity. In 2019 the IUA set up a high-level group for Vice Presidents for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion which will coordinate the work of universities in this priority area.

Primary responsibilities of the EDI Group:
  • To share best practice on EDI in respect of all statutory Equality grounds amongst the IUA member institutions;
  • To advise the IUA Council on strategic and operational matters on equality, diversity and inclusion;
  • To coordinate relevant activities in relation to the implementation of the Gender Taskforce Report or other sectoral policy initiatives;
  • To compile and share data at a sectoral level in relation to EDI;
  • To liaise as required with the HEA Centre of Excellence for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion or similar equality entities;
  • To support members’ own implementation activities where appropriate;
  • To liaise with other relevant groups such as HR Directors and Registrars within the IUA in relation to EDI.

Developments in this area show the commitment of the Irish universities to work with government on addressing issues relating to equality and diversity, and this commitment is captured formally as a core principle in IUA Strategy 2022-2025.


Gender Equality

Gender Equality has been a significant sectoral EDI priority. Our gender equality agenda is supported by a dedicated accreditation scheme, Athena SWAN. Click the link above to learn more.

Race Equality

Click the link above to read more about Race Equality Principles for Irish Higher Education and the online race equality awareness programme entitled Let’s Talk About Race.


Whether you are a student or member of staff in an Irish university, if you or someone you know needs help or advice relating to sexual consent or wellbeing, our universities can support.

Universities of Sanctuary

A University of Sanctuary should be a place where anyone can feel safe, welcome and able to pursue their right to education. Click the link to learn more.

LGBTQ+ Inclusion

A University campus is a place where lively, ambitious and diverse people come together to learn, experiment, challenge ideas and all the time grow personally and professionally from the experience. Click the link to read more about our ‘United in Diversity’ campaign.

IUA Member Universities are also committed to further increasing the participation of Irish Travellers in Higher Education in partnership with key stakeholders such as students, representative community groups, the State and other HEIs.

Contact the EDI team:

Each of our universities have a team of staff dedicated to leading and promoting all aspects of equality and diversity throughout the University:

Dublin City University

Learn more >

Maynooth University

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Trinity College Dublin

Trinity College Dublin

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TU Dublin

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University College Cork

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University College Dublin

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University of Galway

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University of Limerick

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