In a dynamic, interconnected world, our universities strive to lead in international education. The IUA works with members to enhance student recruitment, experience, and mobility, ensuring a world-class education.
Did you know…
- Approximately 80% of all international third-level students in Ireland are enrolled at an IUA university.
- IUA member institutions account for around 75% of all outgoing higher education Erasmus+ mobilities in Ireland.
- All eight IUA member universities actively participate in European University Alliances.
Each university has a dedicated international office:

Dublin City University

Maynooth University

Trinity College Dublin

University College Cork

University College Dublin

University of Galway

University of Limerick
IUA Global Engagement portfolio
The IUA Global Engagement portfolio supports the internationalisation efforts of its member universities through the implementation of the IUA’s Strategy to 2025 and Global Citizen’s 2030. This is achieved via sector-wide representation and advocacy, the development of thought leadership and technical expertise, and the sharing of best practices across the sector.
Our IUA Strategy to 2025 Pillar 5 -Connection & Engagement at Home and Abroad commits to:
- Strive to build the reputation of Ireland as an attractive provider of higher education and research in liaison with Education in Ireland and the HEA.
- Promote student and staff mobility through enhanced participation in Erasmus+ and other mobility programmes.
- Participate in relevant European projects and initiatives through the European University Association and other networks.
- Nurture the growth and impact of alliances through the European Universities Initiative.
Global Citizens 2030

Global Citizens 2030 – Ireland’s Talent and Innovation Strategy sets out ambitions that Ireland should be the country of choice for the brightest scholars from around the world. This reflects the value that international students, researchers, and staff can bring to strengthen the academic excellence of our third level sector, to diversify our communities on and off campus, and enrich our intercultural experiences.
International students, researchers and staff are actively contributing to our knowledge economy and are engaged as active global alumni further enhancing Irelands’ footprint, influence, and presence on the world stage.
IUA’s Head of International Affairs is Jennifer Cleary.