IUA dismayed at attacks on university autonomy and academic freedom in Hungary -13th December 2018

The Irish Universities Association (IUA) is dismayed by the latest developments in Hungary involving attacks on university autonomy and academic freedom, resulting in the Central European University (CEU) moving a large part of its activities out of Hungary from the 2019-20 academic year. The IUA echoes calls from other concerned observers for the Hungarian government to be mindful that freedom from political intervention and pressure is an essential condition for universities to fulfil their critical role in society. It is essential that universities across Europe maintain their autonomy and capacity to speak with an independent voice at a time of increasing uncertainty and fragility in our democracies.



Please contact:

Lia O’Sullivan, Head of Communications, Irish Universities Association
lia.osullivan@iua.ie    01 676 4948 / 085 714 1414



 For more information on the issues faced by CEU – https://www.ceu.edu/category/istandwithceu

IUA’s 2017 letter of support to CEU https://www.ceu.edu/sites/default/files/attachment/article/18817/irishuniversitiesassociation.pdf