Irish Universities Association launches 10 scholarships of €1000 available to Irish Students for summer school/internship in Beijing, China in 2018. Applications open on on Friday 30th March.
Over 570 Irish students studied in China in 2016 across a number of disciplines and in various cities. To further strengthen the links between our countries, the Irish Universities Association (IUA) and China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE) have developed a study and internship summer program in China for Irish students.

Ms Xiao Lei, CEAIE with Táiniste Simon Coveney and IUA’s Sinead Lucey
The scholarship and summer school was launched by IUA International Education Manager, Sinéad Lucey, at the Irish Embassy in China on March 15th 2018 in the presence of Tánaiste Simon Coveney.
A key strategic objective of the IUA-CEAIE partnership is to increase the mobility of Chinese and Irish students to study in Ireland and in China. The IUA will offer a €1,000 scholarship to 10 successful applicants of Irish Universities to help cover travel expenses to and from China. Applicants must be 18 years or over and the program and scholarship is open to applicants from all disciplines. The pilot summer internship program will be hosted at the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) in Beijing for summer 2018. Applications for the scholarship will open on Friday 30th March and will close on Friday 27th April 2018. The application form will be available to download from .
Developing opportunities for Irish students to study or intern in China is a key strategic priority for Irish universities. IUA’s partnership with CEAIE to progress these opportunities for Irish students is evidence of the Irish Universities’ commitment to realise this objective.
Speaking at the launch Sinéad Lucey, Head of International Education at the IUA said, “This partnership with CEAIE is of vital importance to Irish universities in achieving their strategic objectives. The IUA welcomes the joint study internship summer school as an important step to increase the number of Irish students with direct experience of studying and working in China, and to further develop Ireland’s relationship with China and its higher education community. This is the first Irish University sectoral scholarship for a summer school in China and it is our ambition to fund over 500 students in the coming years.”
Katie Finlay a law student in UCC who undertook a summer school at ECUPL in Shanghai reflects on her learning experience:
“I would recommend any student to have the experience of a lifetime and enrol in the ECCUPL law summer school. The summer school program consisted of lectures in the morning on various aspects of Chinese Law and History. The University brought us to visit many of Shanghai’s most famous tourist attractions and also brought us on a day trip to visit the top law firm in Shanghai. I learned so much during my stay at ECUPL and made friends with other law students from countries from all around the world. My time in Shanghai at ECUPL was undoubtedly one of the highlights of my time studying law.”
This scholarship is the product of a partnership agreement signed in 2017, between the Irish Universities Association and China Education Association for International Exchange to further develop co-operation between the higher education systems in China and in Ireland.
IUA’s Sinéad Lucey “We hope that this new summer program will act as a stepping stone for more Irish students to study in China and will go from strength to strength. Providing a study abroad or traineeship opportunity in China for Irish students enables students to develop 21st century global skills that are attractive to employers and also benefit society”.
For more information contact:
Lia O’Sullivan | Communications and Projects Manager
Irish Universities Association | Tel: +353 (0)1 6764948 | |
Notes to Editors:
Program description and benefits to Irish Students and Program summary
Can be found on