03.03.21: The universities represented by the IUA thank the vast majority of students who are abiding by COVID guidelines and reiterate their appeal to all students to continue to abide by the guidelines and, especially, to avoid congregation.
This follows further reports of students being involved in public gatherings in Limerick in contravention of guidelines. The universities are united in their condemnation of such actions by a small minority of the student population.
It is recognised that the overwhelming majority of students are abiding by the guidelines and, thereby, safeguarding their own health and that of their families, friends and the wider community. The small minority who flout the rules will, not only risk the lives and health of other people, but also prolong the lockdown for everyone.
Our universities understand and share the frustration of students and of all society in this prolonged period of restrictions. We also stand with and support those working on the front line to care for those affected by COVID. The dedication of our own staff who continue to support higher education as an essential service is also fully recognised and appreciated.
All the universities are continuing to work hand-in-hand with student representative bodies to appeal to students to continue to stick to the guidelines both on and off-campus. Recognising the serious implications for our students, we affirm that failure to do so will result in appropriate disciplinary action being taken in accordance with Codes of Conduct for students.
For more information contact:
Lia O’Sullivan, Head of Communications, Irish Universities Association lia.osullivan@iua.ie 085 7141414