On Friday the 22nd of November five of our seven university members took away the awards for all categories at the 2020 gradireland Higher Education Awards & Symposium. Now in their ninth year, the awards are the blue riband event for higher education professionals, postgraduate admissions officers and course providers across the island of Ireland.
For more information check out the winning courses and categories below!
Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences - Sponsored by Musgrave

MPhil in Literary Translation, Trinity College Dublin
The MPhil in Literary Translation is a unique opportunity to develop a wide range of practical skills related to translation, while also building a strong understanding of the theory and history of translation thought and a keen critical eye. The programme is based in the Trinity Centre for Literary and Cultural Translation, Ireland’s foremost centre for the study and practice of literary and cultural translation. Our students are ideally placed to build professional networks and to see the translation industry from the inside.
Learn more about the MPhil in Literary Translation at tcd.ie and for more information please contact the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies (SLLCS) at +353 1 896 1706
Business, Finance & Management - Sponsored by Aldi

MSc in Computational Finance, University of Limerick
The MSc in Computational Finance (MSc CF) is a technically-oriented 12-month, full-time programme which has been designed to balance theoretically rigorous coursework with a practical emphasis on the acquisition of advanced technical skills combined with an intuitive understanding of the dynamics of risk in financial markets.
Learn more about the MSc in Computational Finance on the Kemmy Business School’s website or for more information please contact Course Director Dr. Barry Sheehan at barry.sheehan@ul.ie
Computer Science/Technology - Sponsored by ESB

MSc Information Systems for Business Performance, University College Cork
The MSc Information Systems for Business Performance is a 12-month intensive course with industrially mentored collaborative projects. Students are taught from beginner level, and prepared to take up business analyst/programmer and management positions in IT departments in small, medium or large organisations, whether public or private, in the financial services, manufacturing or any sector.
Learn more about the MSc Information Systems for Business Performance at ucc.ie and for more information please fill our the UCC web enquiry form.
Health Sciences - Sponsored by MSD

MSc Sports Performance, University of Limerick
The MSc Sports Performance will prepare successful graduates for a career in sports performance analysis, specialising in strength & conditioning, video analysis and nutrition. The course will increase understanding of the processes of advanced practice in sport performance analysis, by appreciating and challenging the current practice and designing innovative alternatives.
Learn more about the MSc Sports Performance at ul.ie or for more information please contact Course Director Dr Mark Lyons at mark.lyons@ul.ie
Law -Sponsored by PwC

MSc in International and Comparative Business Law, NUI Galway
The MSc in International and Comparative Business Law provides an excellent grounding in business law, for those interested in pursuing a career in legal practice or in the commercial world. Students can choose from a range of modules at an advanced level and tailor their LLM to suit their interests and career plans. You will expand your knowledge of business law from a national, regional and international perspective. Modules include such diverse options as EU Competition Law, Advanced Intellectual Property Law, and European Consumer Law to Global Issues in Contemporary Labour Law.
Learn more about the MSc in International and Comparative Business Law at nuigalway.ie or for more information please contact Course Director Dr Connie Healy, Programme Director at connie.healy@nuigalway.ie
Science - Sponsored by Novartis

MSc in Climate Change, Maynooth University
The MSc in Climate Change at Maynooth University is offered to provide graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to enable them to undertake analysis of both global and Irish related climate change science, impacts and policies. The course provides a well-integrated and encompassing programme of taught modules such as, The Ocean and Climate Change, Detection, Attribution and Decision making, Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation which reflect the major themes of climate change, together with essential technical training in modelling and analysis and are designed to nurture independent and critical thinking on climate change issues.
Learn more about the MSc in Climate Change at maynoothuniversity.ie or for more information please contact Course Director Dr Conor Murphy at conor.murphy@mu.ie
Best New Course - Sponsored by Jameson

MSc Cellular Manufacturing and Therapy, NUI Galway
The MSc Cellular Manufacturing and Therapy provides formal training in cellular bioprocessing for clinical application for those who wish to study key emerging technologies for medical intervention. The course is designed according to Good Manufacturing Practices and provides a rigorous scientific underpinning for the development of a cellular therapy.
Learn more about the MSc Cellular Manufacturing and Therapy at nuigalway.ie or for more information please contact Cynthia Coleman at cynthia.coleman@nuigalway.ie
For more Information contact
Course directors mentioned above or
Lia O’Sullivan, Head of Communications IUA lia.osullivan@iua.ie 01 6764948/085 7141414