The universities are committed to ensuring that learning and teaching takes place in diverse classrooms, with students from different social, cultural and international backgrounds working together and learning from each other. The universities will also make their courses and facilities available in flexible ways to facilitate lifelong learning to meet the needs of a broad range of non-traditional students, including through greater use of digital and blended learning opportunities.
The universities all encompass diverse student populations and actively encourage applications from mature candidates. Mature students are those aged 23 years or above on 1st January in the year of entry.
Mature students have a wealth of knowledge and experience with which they make a valuable contribution to the classroom and the broader life of the university. All Irish universities embrace the ethos of lifelong learning and are committed to the objective of increasing participation by adult learners. Currently, participation in lifelong learning in Ireland is significantly below the EU average, and the lifelong learning participation rate for those in employment is even lower.
In ‘A Charter for Irish Universities’, the universities have committed to expanding capacity for growing numbers and to drive adult (25-64) lifelong learning in Ireland from the current 6.5% to the EU average of 10.7% by 2030. This requires substantial structural adjustment and resources right across the university system.
In all cases, mature students who wish to apply to an Irish university should contact the Admissions Office of that university well in advance of application closing dates. For information regarding mature student entry routes, please visit the information pages for mature students of the university websites here:

Dublin City University

Maynooth University

Trinity College Dublin

TU Dublin

University College Cork

University College Dublin

University of Galway